Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sushi and books

My cousin, Mary, who loves books as much as me has decided to read my list along with me and we can have discussions about the books. I am so excited. We already try to go out once a month for lunch, which is usually sushi at the local Tokyo restaurant. Now we can have books dicussions while we eat sushi. Have I died and gone to heaven...sushi and books...outside of my kids these have to be two of my favorite things. I am excited to have her joining me in my journey.

My cousin is a lawyer and has gone back to school so she can be a law librarian. She reads lots of books and reviews them for several websites. One of her websites is: Here you can find reviews on the many books she has read. She has over 500 books in her library.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Awakened by Cast

I took a quick break for a week to go off from my list and read a book that I had been waiting for awhile to come out.

I have anticipated for the books to come out and when it did, it was no disappointment. Out of all the House of Night novels, I thought this one was the best. The only negative was at the end of the book I had to scream because the next one doesnt come out untill November 2011 and I want to know what happens next. It left me wanting more.

Next on my list is The Adventures of Mark Twain and Huckleberry Finn....let the adventure begin.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This was one of the best books I have ever read. It was an easy read unlike David Copperfield. I was pulled emotionally for which character I was rooting for (Frankenstein or his creation). I understood Frankensteins remorse for his mistakes and his struggle to right his wrong and make the right decision for the future; but I also felt compassion for his creation (aka the monster)and his desire to have love, compassion and acceptance in his life. I disagreed with some of both their decisions to help them get what they wanted in life. A truely tragic story.