Monday, August 2, 2010

Going Slowly

Just so everyone knows: I havent quit; it is just the reading is going at a slow pace. So far I was worried when I started reading David Copperfield because of the English dialogue. I had a little trouble understanding what the characters were talking about. Now I am about 100 pages into the book. I still have trouble understanding some words or sentences but for the most part I'm getting it. I am enjoying reading this book. It is going slow alone because I have only had about 30 min/day to read (usually during my lunch time) and in the evening I have been busy with another task. I hope to done with the evening task by the end of the month and given more free time to read at night. My daughter is taking British Lit at school this year, which made me excited. I asked her, "Are you going to read David Copperfield?" But she doesnt know yet. Oh well, we own the book now and if she wants to then it will be here for her to read.

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